Kunekune pigs (pronounced “cooney cooney”) are sweet-tempered, medium-sized pigs that hail from New Zealand. Kunekune means “fat and round” in the Maori language. Females average 100 to 175 pounds, while males can reach the 200 to 250-plus range. They have short, upturned snouts that discourage rooting, and don’t tend to challenge fences. KuneKunes are known for often having 2 wattles (much like goats) under their chin. Kunekunes are grazing pigs who do a wonderful job of cleaning up weedy pasture areas. Due to their mellow temperaments and high intelligence, they make wonderful pets. Gourmet chefs in Los Angeles have declared Kunekune pork outstanding. Our pigs live in a converted chicken coop and run. We let them out each day to roam the property, graze and socialize with us. While they sometimes get a little carried away and visit the neighbors, they always come home for meal time or when they hear us whistle, which means snacks are waiting. They get along great with our dogs and the neighbor’s horses. Our mini cows tend to prefer the sport of chasing them so the pigs have learned to be a bit more cautious around them. They love belly rubs and back scratches and will often just fall over while being petted.
About Kunekune Pigs
Piggy pileup!